Your membership to the Point Wells Community & Ratepayers Association:

- gives you discounted hall hire rates
- funds the publication of our quarterly community magazine, the Point Wells Crier 
- provides funding for the management and cleaning of our community hall & library for everyone to use
- funds internet access at the library & hall
- supports our local clubs such as Connoisseurs Club, Garden Club, Trapping Club and Play Group
- funds our website -

The Committee are the primary advocates for Point Wells ratepayers on issues with Auckland Council, Rodney District Board and Auckland Transport

Focus of the year 2023- 2024
- community resilience
- sea wall protection
- security camera
- keeping our village safe
- establishment of neighbourhood support
- getting the best value out of our rates

We represent YOU and YOUR issues to make sure our rates are used wisely and effectively to benefit our Point Wells community. 

Sign up below and join us in keeping Point Wells the way we love it; a safe and happy village!

Annual Subscription 1 June 2023 - 31 May 2024

Payment: $30 per household (all donations gratefully received)

Pay online at   


Please deposit payment to:  ASB Warkworth 12-3095-0090996-00  Ref: your surname & initials
* indicates required
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